Edie at The Sanctuary

After a few days of rainy weather in Tennessee, the sky has cleared, and the sun is shining, prompting the elephants at The Sanctuary to make the most of it by exploring their expansive habitats and forming new connections!

With numerous recent elephant introductions, we are thrilled to start the new year continuing the camaraderie. Edie and Artie had their initial encounter across protected barriers, resulting in a positive first introduction. With a little encouragement from Care Staff, Edie confidently approached Artie as he foraged. The two engaged in many trunk touches before playfully sparring for some time. Over the next several hours, Edie spent time alternating between Artie and her shared barrier with Nosey and Sissy. Care Staff observed Edie's preference to stand closer and interact with Artie more often, likely due to his continuous engagement and welcoming demeanor. This development in social interactions is eagerly anticipated, opening up even more opportunities for Artie, Edie, and the elephants at Asia Barn.

Edie has shown many signs of comfort and ease during her transition to The Sanctuary, including choosing to lie down for sleep. This behavior is particularly significant as recumbent sleep is important for elephants, reflecting her ongoing adjustment and increasing comfort in her new surroundings. Edie actively participates in her protected contact training, and Care Staff are delighted to note her new, positive response to red and green grapes!

We are happy to announce Edie has been added to our Adopt an Elephant Program, and supporters can contribute directly to Edies's care. As a donor, you will receive a Certificate of Adoption, including a photo and bio of your new adoptee. To Adopt Edie, select her name in the drop-down menu on the Adopt an Elephant page. Donations of any size are crucial to ensuring the care and resources necessary for elephants like Edie to thrive.

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