A rainy spring is a muddy spring—which is just fine for the elephants at The Sanctuary who have been enjoying the many mud wallows throughout their habitats.
In Asia Habitat, Tarra and Shirley have been observed together daily by the mud wallow in Asia’s North Yard, sometimes standing in the cool muddy water together, other times mudding themselves. During a recent downpour, Tarra was observed bending down and pressing her trunk into the bank of the wallow and rubbing it back and forth. Shirley has also been seen swimming in the pond, rolling around and throwing water with her trunk. After a swim last week, EleCam viewers watched Shirley get a good body scratch against of the pine trees that line the pond in her habitat.
In Quarantine Habitat, The Sanctuary’s Maintenance team has been hard at work adding mud wallows so that no matter where the elephants choose to travel within their habitat, they always have access to a pond or wallow to cool off. Mud and dirt also keeps the bugs at bay, which is an important part of Tennessee living in the spring and summer. An afternoon shower last week got the elephants, especially Debbie, very excited—she was observed running in circles, kicking her legs, and using her trunk to engage emphatically with enrichment attached to the fence line. Ronnie and Minnie enjoyed the after effects of the shower, a good mud pile to lay down and roll around in.
Maintenance staff have also created new trails in the Quarantine Habitat, which serve as paths for Ronnie who is experiencing springtime allergies. The new trails allow her to walk through the habitat without stepping on the grass, which contains allergens. Veterinary staff also provide her with allergy medications, which have helped tremendously.
In Africa Habitat, heavy rains have also made for lots of mud wallowing…and foot scrubs and baths to compensate for all the mud. Sukari and Tange have been spending time together in the same habitat while Flora has been choosing to venture off on her own, deep into the habitat. A donated culvert has also been keeping the Africans busy in recent weeks.
Find Your Herd — Summer Special

School's Out and we've got a Sweet Summer Special — Just for Kids!
Did you know that watermelon is the most consumed melon in the United States? They're definitely a favorite among the elephants at The Sanctuary. For a limited time, Feed an Elephant at the $55 level and receive:
- a Find Your Herd 100% cotton Youth Tee, featuring new colors and made in the USA
- a Sanctuary pencil
- a Sanctuary pin, perfect for displaying on backpacks
- a tax acknowledgment*
- a subscription to The Elephant Sanctuary's monthly electronic news updates, EleNews
- and a one-year subscription to The Elephant Sanctuary's triannual newsletter, Trunklines
Click Here to Take Advantage of our Sweet Summer Special and Feed an Elephant Today!
*If you select a T-shirt with your gift, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for $40