October 2018 is Elephant Awareness Month in Tennessee

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam, Lewis County Mayor Jonah Keltner, and Hohenwald City Mayor Danny McKnight have all signed official proclamations encouraging citizens to join them in recognizing Elephant Awareness Month in Tennessee. “It is important for the public to be educated about the welfare of all species of elephants in captivity as well as in the wild,” the proclamation reads. “The Elephant Sanctuary continually sets and reaches goals to better the lives of elephants worldwide.”

The Elephant Discovery Center and supporters are hosting events throughout the month of October to raise awareness for the needs of elephants in captivity and the crisis facing elephants in the wild.

Calendar of Events

Throughout the month

The Sanctuary’s Education staff will be delivering Distance Learning webinars to nearly 40 classrooms located all around the world, including Tennessee. If you would like to schedule a program for your classroom or community group, contact jowens@elephants.com.

Oct 11-13: The Oktober Heritage Festival and Modern Homestead Expo

The Sanctuary is excited to again be a part of Hohenwald’s Oktober Heritage Festival. 

The Elephant Discovery Center will be open to visitors from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Thursday through Saturday, with tours of The Elephant Discovery Center at 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM each day. These tours will highlight not only the educational exhibits but also the facility’s “green,” environmentally sustainable features.

In addition to The Discovery Center’s regular interactive exhibits will be a 20ft x 6ft paint-it-yourself mural.

At 1:00 PM on Saturday, we'll be hosting a Caregiver Chat on how Caregivers use positive reinforcement to train the elephants. Hands-on activities to follow.

There will be no elephants on display at The Elephant Discovery Center. The elephants at The Sanctuary are retired from public view.

Oct 16:

Beginning October 16, The Elephant Discovery Center will be open every Tuesday-Saturday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Groups of eight individuals or more must call to book in advance.

The Elephant Discovery Center will welcome the Classical Conversations Homeschoolers for an education program.

Oct 18:

Gallery 202 in Franklin, TN is hosting Picture This: A World for Elephants, a one-night art exhibition and silent auction hosted by Gallery 202, benefitting The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit: www.elephants.com/gallery202event.